Find out the reasons behind canker sores and know how to prevent them in the future. Discover how to get rid of canker sores.

Dec 03, 2023 By Madison Evans

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are tiny, painful ulcers on the inner cheeks, tongue, and gums. Canker sores are not communicable, unlike cold sores, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus and develop outside the mouth. Why do they happen, and more importantly for those with them, how can we get rid of them?

Causes of Canker Sores

The mystery surrounding the exact causes of canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, has baffled many in the medical community. While a direct cause hasn't been pinpointed, there's consensus around several triggering factors that might instigate or exacerbate these painful ulcers.


Our mouths are, surprisingly, quite vulnerable to physical injuries. Simple everyday actions like accidentally biting the inner cheek or lip, using a toothbrush with too much vigor, or undergoing dental procedures can inadvertently injure the soft tissues. Such traumas can make the inner lining of the mouth susceptible to canker sores. Protective measures can be beneficial, like being mindful while eating and using soft-bristled toothbrushes.

Acidic and Spicy Foods

There's a downside for those with a penchant for zesty foods and beverages. Acidic items, such as citrus fruits and spicy dishes, can irritate the mouth, especially if minute cuts or tears go unnoticed. This irritation can pave the way for the formation of canker sores. Moderation and observing how one's body reacts can be keys to prevention.

Toothpaste and Mouth Rinses

Dental hygiene products are necessary but occasionally problematic. Some toothpastes and mouthwashes include sodium lauryl sulfate. For some individuals, SLS can trigger or intensify the presence of canker sores. It might be worthwhile to scrutinize product ingredients or explore SLS-free alternatives.

Hormonal Fluctuations

Canker sores may develop in women during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause due to hormone fluctuations. Hormonal fluctuations may affect the immune system or mouth lining, making sores more likely.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Nutrition is crucial to dental and general health. Vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, and iron deficiencies increase canker sore risk. Ensuring a balanced diet or considering supplements under professional guidance can keep such dangers at bay.

Weak Immune System

The body's immune system is a defense mechanism. However, when compromised, it might inadvertently target and destroy healthy cells in the mouth. This mistaken attack can lead to the manifestation of canker sores.


Mental health is closely linked to physical health. Canker sores may result from emotional turmoil or persistent stress. Stress-relieving hobbies and approaches may help.

Medical Issues

Diseases that cause inflammation or immunological reactions may cause canker sores. These oral ulcers can be caused by inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, and Behçet's disease.

Certain Medications

Just as our bodies might benefit from medications, there can also be unintended side effects. Some drugs, particularly anti-inflammatory ones or beta-blockers, list canker sores as potential side effects. Discussing possible side effects with healthcare professionals and reporting anomalies is always advisable.

Canker Sore Treatment: How to Get Rid of a Canker Sore

Canker sore removal is a top concern for many. Fortunately, several over-the-counter and home medicines may reduce discomfort and hasten recovery.

Over-the-counter Solutions

Many over-the-counter drugs relieve pain and inflammation. These might include topical gels, creams, patches, or mouthwashes for canker sore treatment.

Prescription Medications

A dentist or doctor might prescribe more vital treatments if you experience severe or recurrent canker sores. These could be in the form of corticosteroid ointments, antimicrobial mouthwashes, or prescription-strength topical products.

Natural Remedies

Many people find relief using natural remedies like rinsing the mouth with salt water or applying honey to the affected area.

Dietary Changes

Certain foods can exacerbate the condition, so avoiding spicy, acidic, or salty foods might help recovery.

Stress Management

Given that stress can contribute, managing stress through methods like meditation, exercise, or relaxation techniques might prevent future outbreaks.

Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral health is essential. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoiding toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate might reduce the occurrence of canker sores.

Recognizing a Canker Sore

Canker sores, a familiar and often unwelcome visitor to our oral space, have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other oral lesions. They're usually round or oval-shaped and predominantly feature a white or yellowish center. A vibrant red halo often encircles this, creating a visually striking contrast. But their appearance isn't the only notable thing about them. These sores can be a significant source of discomfort.

Many people find that a canker sore becomes most evident when engaging in daily activities like eating, drinking, or conversing. The pain they cause can range from a mild tingling or burning sensation to a more pronounced and sharp pain, particularly when consuming spicy or acidic foods.

The silver lining? Despite the discomfort they cause, canker sores are mainly benign. Whether they appear on the gum, the inside of the cheeks, or the tongue, they usually don't pose serious health risks. Moreover, patience is often rewarded, as these sores heal spontaneously within one to two weeks, even without treatment.

Canker Sore on Gum and Other Unusual Places

The inside of our cheeks and the tongue are the usual suspects regarding the typical locations of canker sores. However, these sores are not restricted to these areas. Experiencing a canker sore on gum might seem unusual, but it's not unheard of.

It's paramount to distinguish a canker sore from other potential oral lesions. While their appearance and associated pain might point towards them being canker sores, there's always a slight possibility of them being symptomatic of another underlying condition. This is particularly true if the lesion lasts more than two weeks or has associated symptoms.

It's best to see a dentist or doctor rather than self-diagnose. They can provide clarity, rule out more severe conditions, and, if necessary, guide towards appropriate treatment.

Preventing Future Canker Sores

The adage goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This rings particularly true for canker sores. While these sores might not be entirely avoidable, specific proactive measures can drastically reduce their frequency and severity.

Firstly, understanding personal triggers is crucial. Spicy or acidic foods might be the culprits for some, while others might react to specific ingredients in oral care products. Keeping a diary or mentally noting what precedes a canker sore outbreak can provide valuable insights.

Emotional and physical stress, often overlooked, can be potent triggers. Engaging in relaxation techniques, ensuring adequate sleep, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle can protect against potential outbreaks.

Regular dental check-ups cannot be emphasized enough. Not only do they ensure overall oral health, but they also provide an opportunity for early detection and guidance on preventing recurrent canker sores. Moreover, a well-balanced diet, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, strengthens oral tissues and reduces susceptibility.

Incorporating these preventive strategies can pave the way for better oral health and a decreased likelihood of recurrent, bothersome canker sores.


Canker sores, while uncomfortable and occasionally painful, are mostly harmless. Understanding their causes and implementing strategies to eliminate a canker sore can make the experience less daunting. Always prioritize oral health, and don't hesitate to seek professional advice if you experience persistent or recurrent sores. These pesky ulcers become a manageable ailment with the proper knowledge and canker sore treatment approaches.

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