What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause?

Nov 29, 2023 By Madison Evans

Menopause, the transitional period from being fertile to ceasing fertility completely, is a major life milestone for women. As emotional and physical changes occur while a woman's body adjusts to no longer being able to reproduce, it can be difficult to know when menopause has officially ended. To show you're coming close to that conclusion, here are several signs that will let you know your menopausal journey is nearing an end!

Hot flashes and night sweats :

Hot flashes and night sweats are common physical symptoms during menopause that can often come in waves. As your body adjusts to the new normal, hot flashes and night sweats may become less frequent or disappear altogether as you move further into menopause.

Irregular periods :

When it comes to knowing when menopause is almost over, irregular periods can be one of the most notable signs. During perimenopause (the phase preceding actual menopause) menstrual cycles may become longer or shorter and eventually cease altogether when you enter menopause.

Low estrogen levels :

Estrogen levels drop significantly during the menopausal transition, and this decrease will be clearly reflected in a blood test. When estrogen levels are low enough to meet certain criteria, it's a good sign that menopause is officially here or almost over.

Your age:

If you're 50 years old or above, chances are your body has already gone through menopause. Many women enter menopause naturally in their late 40s to early 50s, so if you're close to or have already surpassed this age range it's likely that your body has completed the transition.

Changes to the menstrual cycle:

Another key sign that you're close to the end of menopause is a change in your menstrual cycle. This could mean that periods might become lighter, heavier, shorter, or longer. Any significant shift in your cycle can indicate that menopause is coming to a close.

While everyone will experience different signs and symptoms during their menopausal journey, these are some of the most common indicators that you're nearing the end. If you have any concerns at all, don't hesitate to speak with your doctor who can provide further guidance and support.

Early menopause :

Early menopause can occur in women younger than 40, and is often due to medical interventions such as hysterectomy or chemotherapy. In these cases, symptoms may appear earlier and be more intense, but the signs that you're coming close to the end of menopause remain largely the same. The main difference is that you may experience them sooner than expected, so it's important to keep a close eye on any changes in your body.

Mood swings :

Mood swings are also common during the menopausal transition, and may become more frequent or intense as a woman moves closer to the end of menopause. Sudden changes in moods such as irritability, anxiety or depression can be difficult to deal with, so it's important to have supportive people around you who understand what you're going through. It can also be helpful to speak with a therapist or your doctor to manage any emotional difficulties that arise during this time.

Menopause is a significant and often difficult life transition, but understanding the signs of its end can help you better prepare for the changes ahead. With these tips in mind, you can approach menopause with confidence knowing that it will soon come to an end.

Weight gain :

Weight gain due to hormonal changes is a common symptom of menopause. As hormone levels fluctuate and metabolism slows, it can be more difficult to maintain or lose weight. If you notice an increase in your body weight as you near the end of menopause, try focusing on establishing healthy habits such as regular exercise and balanced nutrition. This will help you stay healthy as the transition comes to a close.

Vaginal dryness :

Vaginal dryness is another symptom of menopause that can become more noticeable near its end. As estrogen levels decline, it can cause vaginal tissues to thin and produce less lubrication than before. To combat this symptom, try using products like vaginal lubricants or moisturizers to help keep the area comfortable.

Although menopause can be a difficult time for many women, understanding and recognizing its signs can make it easier to manage the transition with confidence. With these tips in mind, you'll know when your menopausal journey is coming to an end.

Reduced libido :

A reduced libido is another common symptom of menopause. This decreased sex drive is caused by hormonal imbalances, which can make it difficult to enjoy intimacy in the same way as before. To help manage this symptom, talk to your doctor about treatment options such as hormone replacement therapy or medications that could help restore your libido.

Sleep disturbances :

Sleep disturbances are also common during the menopausal transition, as hot flashes and night sweats can make it difficult to get a restful night's sleep. To help combat this symptom, try using cooling products such as fans or cotton sheets to regulate your body temperature throughout the night. Additionally, engaging in calming activities before bedtime like yoga or meditation can help you relax and better prepare for sleep.


Menopause is an important life transition which can be difficult to manage, but understanding the signs of its end can help make it easier. Knowing when your body has officially entered or completed menopause is key in preparing for any changes that may come with it. With the right knowledge and understanding, you can approach this transition with confidence.


Q: What are common signs that I'm nearing the end of menopause?

A: Common signs include lighter or heavier periods, changes in your menstrual cycle, weight gain, mood swings, vaginal dryness, reduced libido and sleep disturbances.

Q: How can I manage menopausal symptoms?

A: Establishing healthy habits such as regular exercise and balanced nutrition can help manage symptoms. Additionally, products like vaginal lubricants or moisturizers can help reduce discomfort from vaginal dryness and hormone replacement therapy may be beneficial for restoring libido. Finally, engaging in calming activities before bedtime and using cooling products to regulate your body temperature throughout the night can also help improve sleep quality.

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